All Aboard to Amalfi...

What's the Big Deal About Italy?

Italy, oh Italy! The land of pasta, pizza, and picturesque landscapes. Who wouldn't want to travel to this boot-shaped country? Whether you're a foodie, an art enthusiast, or simply in need of a break, Italy has something for everyone, especially in October. With the water still warm and the tourist back home, October is the perfect time to explore the winding roads of the coast.

Amalfi Coast: A Slice of Paradise

Picture this: crystal-clear turquoise waters, vibrant bougainvillea, and stunning coastal views. Welcome to the Amalfi Coast! This slice of paradise is a must-visit for any traveler. Spend your days sunbathing on the picturesque beaches, exploring the charming towns of Positano and Amalfi, and indulging in the freshest seafood imaginable. It's pure bliss! And exactly where our next coloring book is coming from. We can't wait to see all the shades of blue water and colorful homes. 

Coloring Your Way Through Italy

Did you know that coloring can help reduce anxiety? It's true! So why not bring along some coloring books during those long flights to Italy? In our opinion there is no better way to feel well rested and relaxed stepping off the plane. 

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